Anyone who tells you politics has nothing to do with investing is simply not paying attention. In this winter of political polarization—a deep freeze—politics matter. Case in point. Look at Vanguard GNMA. For most of 2018, Vanguard GNMA has been sledding from a peak of $10.45 in January. Guess when the trough, or bottom was […]
Market Timing: A Long-Odds Loser’s Bet
It can be easy to forget the lessons of the past as the current bull market seems to run infinitely onward. Overextended stock market valuations have a habit of correctly quickly and unexpectedly. Once the crash hits, it’s often too late to rebalance a portfolio into more defensive sectors. Market rebounds have a similar time […]
Crisis at Vanguard: Part II
Vanguard Closes Wellington Advisory, Institutional and Advisory Shares to New Investors No, it is not the end of the world, but if you are a loyal Vanguard investor, as am I, having one of the few mutual funds in the world I advise for purchase close is a “Vanguard Crisis” for me as well as […]
Crisis at Vanguard: Part I
Originally posted August 1, 2016. Vanguard Dividend Growth Closes to New Investors No, it is not the end of the world, but if you are a loyal Vanguard investor, as am I, having one of the few dividend-based funds in the world I advise for purchase close is a “Vanguard Crisis” for me as well […]
Is Vanguard too Big?
Personally, I have had only one minor administrative error recently with Vanguard where they incorrectly deposited SEP-IRA money into my traditional IRA. I called them to explain their error, they pulled up the letter of instruction, recognized their mistake and made the correction. Problem solved. With record inflows of more than $1 billion per day […]
Dow Down 1600 Points, Websites Crash, and Vanguard GNMA
When stocks were down 1,600 points yesterday, “The websites of two of the country’s biggest robo-advisers—Wealthfront Inc. and Betterment LLC—crashed,” reports Bloomberg. I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of robo-advisers. What if the technology ends up not working? Will the so called robos have the skill and patience that I know I have? Who […]
My 2018 Investment Perspective
I’ve always been amazed at how quickly investors forget what it feels like to lose money. One of my favorite economists, whom will remain unnamed, is a constant stock market cheerleader. He’s never met a market he hasn’t liked. I love his optimism and I too believe, like he does, that Trump’s tax cuts will […]
Dick Young’s Advice: “Make it a Good Year with Your Survival Guy”
How are you doing on the personal security front? “My son-in-law E.J. Smith recently acquired another favored Sig Sauer 226 MK 25 chambered in 9mm,” I wrote in my September 2015 issue of Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report, “I am a big fan of the 9mm handgun, and own a Beretta. “In E.J.’s case,” I […]
Could this Be the Vanguard GNMA Winning Edge?
Update: 7.1.2020: From Wellington, “Effective at the close of business on June 30, 2020, Michael F. Garrett has retired from Wellington Management Company LLP and no longer serves as a portfolio manager for Vanguard GNMA Fund. Brian Conroy and Joseph F. Marvan remain as the portfolio managers of the Fund.” Do you know Michael F. […]
Parents Listen Up: You Gotta Make Work Cool Again
I’m optimistic this morning. Lucky you. One reason why, is that my Cato friend Tucker Carlson is replacing embattled, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly. If anyone is up to the task to fill this important time slot, it’s Tucker Carlson. He can bridge the gap between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials. He has […]