In Austria, citizens will now be denied unemployment benefits if they can’t find a job due to a vaccine mandate. In, Martin Armstrong explains that the steady encroachment of COVID-19 vaccine passports will be like that of the income tax in 1913. It will start small, but eventually, become inescapable. He writes (abridged):
Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen, who was inaugurated as the Federal President of the Republic of Austria on January 26, 2017, has taken another undemocratic, authoritarian position that anyone unemployed because of the state’s lockdowns who refuses the vaccine will lose ALL benefits.
This is absolute tyranny and a disgrace to any country that pretends to be free. It has been reported:
“Unusual measure: Austria’s Minister of Labor Martin Kocher (ÖVP) has decided to block unemployment benefits for job seekers if they do not apply for a reasonable position because a vaccination is required there or simply not accepting an offered position.”
Europe is gradually transforming into a concentration camp.
Some think it will soon return to normal if they comply, but NO VACCINE will ever eliminate any coronavirus, the same with the flu or the common cold. It is IMPOSSIBLE, for it also resides in animals. So this has been one giant lie, and they feed it out to us one tiny step at a time.
While our politicians are simply looking for control, Gates (Bill) has an entirely different agenda, pretending to care about society, and at the same time, holding secret meetings about reducing the population of the world. And this is the guy our politicians embrace? I think they are too busying counting their money and dreaming of absolute power. Creating COVID Passports will be the same as the income tax in 1913 which was 1% only on the rich. It is now criminal not to file an income tax and if you put cash in a safe deposit box, read the fine print – that is now money laundering defined as hiding money from the government. COVID Passports will be permanent – they will not vanish because there will NEVER be a return to NORMAL.
Watch Gates’ Recent Awkward Interview with PBS NewsHour:
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