Elizabeth Warren and her ilk always believe that every problem is solved by a bigger and more intrusive central government. Warren should give our Constitution the once over where she would learn that our Founders did not intend for central government intrusion in Washington. Working Americans have taken it in the neck over the last two presidencies due to excessive spending and debt, a hideous foreign policy of nation building, and the most uncompetitive tax code among industrial countries. Warren is as dangerous a Senator as exists in Washington today. Working Americans would benefit by cutting the federal footprint in Washington by 40%, switching to a totally private retirement system, junking Obamacare now, throwing out the tax code, and mandating a 10/10/10 flat tax program on corporate and personal income and final retail sales. With this plan, there would be no tax on dividends, interest, capital gains and estates. Under the Democrat leadership of Obama/Pelosi/Reid/Warren, the job creation environment in America is at the most desperate level since WWII—a fact not debatable.
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