Earth Day speeches on the National Mall in Washington were drenched with Chicken Little tales of a coming apocalypse, writes economist Stephen Moore. CNN explained to viewers that we could look forward to “super-droughts, rising seas, mass extinctions and acidifying oceans” before warning, “Bye-bye, animals.” And President Obama weighed in on the dire predictions: “This is not a problem for another generation. Not anymore. This is a problem now …. Stronger storms. Deeper droughts. Longer wildfire seasons.”
But as Mr. Moore points out, “This is one of the greatest misinformation campaigns in world history. The state of our planet has never been stronger. Nature has never been more bountiful.”
The predictions 45 years ago of mass starvation, overpopulation, supplies of oil and gas running on empty, and even a coming second ice age have all been spectacularly wrong. From abundant natural resources to growing energy sources to cleaner-than-ever water and air, there is much about which to be optimistic. Read Moore here.
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