My friend and Cato Institute Senior Fellow Dan Mitchell, offers three good reasons why the Department of Agriculture should get the death penalty. And Mitchell suggests that he would not be sorry if the Department of Housing and Urban Development went to the chopping block first.
For my money, it is hard to know where to start in Washington. The Fed has been a dominant factor in bringing about each of the recessions over the last five decades. It is thus hard not to put the Fed up first on the executioner’s block. Can any American who is paying a shred of attention not think that the Department of Education should not be stuffed into the fiscal equivalent of a wood chipper? And let’s not omit the irresponsibly bloated Department of Defense (or more appropriately offense). This Cold War relic of waste, inefficiency and mismanagement should receive a top-to-bottom housecleaning starting with pulling a big percentage of American military personal out of foreign countries and slashing the size of our standing army. Should our military really be staffed to allow another unconstitutional folly such as Iraq and Afghanistan? And finally, I would be remiss in not mentioning the VA that both Republicans and Democrats have allowed to turn into a national symbol of disgrace. A total overhaul is in order!
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