Democrats Rob Food Stamps to Pay Teachers – Audrey Hudson, Human Events
Democrats are using the same kind of deficit voodoo that they used to pass Obamacare to now bailout their favored union constituencies. Teachers unions and service employees (led by the SEIU) have been paid their dues by the Democratic government in power. Over $26 billion was stolen from the poor and green jobs initiatives to make sure that union dues don’t decrease next year. Essentially, Democrats are creating a campaign finance-funding loop. Give money to hire more teachers. Those teachers pay union dues. Those dues are used to elect more Democrats. And repeat. – Dick Young
Shades of Tricky Dick in Rangel Rant – S.A. Miller, NY Post
Charlie Rangel’s closest groups of allies, the Democrats in the Congressional Black Caucus and the New York congressional delegation are jumping overboard. After all the years of loving Charlie, it seems as though they think tossing him overboard in his last days will save them from their close relationship with the alleged ethic violator. – Dick Young
“Cake” in Spain, Hypocrisy at Home – Andrea Billups, Human Events
There have been rumors floating around that Michelle Obama will be the Democrats’ secret campaign weapon this year, to be sent where the going gets tough. I’m not sure who will be excited to see the First Lady after her Spanish castle vacation. Also, which Michelle Obama will Americans be seeing out on the stump? The one who has only recently been proud of America, or some other Michelle Obama that seems to have loved America from day one? – Timothy Jones
Recusal Refusal – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
The radical union lawyer, Craig Becker, was so distasteful that even Senate Democrats didn’t want to bring his nomination to the National Labor Relations Board to the floor for a debate for fear that any association with Becker might tarnish their reputations. That’s saying something. Instead President Obama rammed Beckers appointment through a parliamentary loophole meant for emergency appointments. Now Becker has begun rewriting rules for himself. As a former SEIU lawyer, Becker should be recusing himself from SEIU related cases, but he has rewritten the rules to allow himself to deal with local SEIU cases, just not cases involving the main office where he worked. It’s that kind of lawyerly massaging of the rules that has allowed the constitution to be entirely thrown out by Congress. The SEIU will persist in its drive to give unions as much power as possible. Whether from outside government, or from within. – Dick Young
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