6:30 a.m. Wake-Up Commentary
In order to defeat the Obama-fronted Radical Progressive Movement in the 2010 elections, liberty- and freedom-seeking conservatives are going to have to take to the streets with a vengeance not witnessed in America since the revolutionary charge led by Sam Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock. Perhaps America’s most capable and thoughtful speaker on small government, states’ rights, and the Constitution is FreedomWorks founder Dick Armey. Read my post on Dick’s wonderful appearance on The Charlie Rose Show. When you click on the donation box at FreedomWorks.com you will find the names of Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater prominently featured. I have made a substantial contribution in support of Dick Armey and FreedomWorks as one of the best ways I know to help take back our country.
The Big Choice for 2010 and 2012 – Newt Gingrich, Human Events
The 2010 election is the time to stop Obamaism in its tracks. The 2012 election is the time to repeal Obamacare and the other secular socialist policies of the left. Newt is on the money in telling Americans that after the left’s “bullying, bribery, secrecy and dishonesty on a scale we have seldom seen … Now it is the American people’s turn.” – Dick Young
Radical Labor Law Changes After Becker’s Appointment? – John Gizzi, Human Events
Radical SEIU general counsel Craig Becker has gotten an Obama recess appointment to the National Labor Relations Board. This appointment is a disaster for America’s risk-taking, job-creating small business owners. Card check is now on the table. It’s well past the time for small business owners and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to go on a full-throttle offensive. Conservative candidates for House and Senate seats this fall must receive national organizational and financial support. The 2010 fall elections are truly of D-day proportions. – Dick Young
Hands Off Our Guns! – Congressman Paul Broun, The National Association for Gun Rights
H.R. 45 establishes a national gun registry database. You would have to pass a written examination to prove that you are “fit” to exercise your constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. – Dick Young
Alexander: Obama’s ‘Soviet-Style’ Takeover of Student Loans – Robert Costa, the corner, National Review
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