America’s Constitutionalist Revolt – Larry Kudlow, National Review
If you want to know what the TEA party is really about, read the Contract from America. Proponents of individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom, the TEA party activists voted on which reforms should be the foundation of their movement, and the results are captured in the contract. These reforms include reductions in taxes and spending. – Dick Young
Bachmann Blasts Gangster Government – Matt Hadro, Human Events
Congratulations to all the TEA party protesters who took the day off yesterday, on Tax Day no less, to rally for their country. If history is any guide, there is nothing that can stop freedom-loving, liberty-seeking Americans. – Dick Young
Who Controls the World’s Gold Reserves? – Scott Carter, Human Events
As fear of inflation remains high, investors worldwide, including certain central banks, are buying gold to hedge against risk. – Dick Young
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