Who’s the Enemy in the War on Terror? – Joseph I. Lieberman, The Wall Street Journal
While Senator Lieberman and I disagree on the methods used to prosecute the war on terrorism, we agree completely on who the war is against, violent Islamist extremists bent on the destruction of America. The Obama administration’s politically correct defining of the war on terror risks confusing the aims of the operation and is simply insulting to the intelligence of mainstream Muslims. Finally, Senator Lieberman quotes former secretary of state Dean Acheson as saying “No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.” – Dick Young
Kagan: Bad on Abortion, Gun Rights and the Commerce Clause – Carrie Severino, Human Events
It seems that every document released detailing Elena Kagan’s views on the constitution and the role of government is one more piece of evidence that she shares a radical progressive viewpoint with Barack Obama. Kagan is vehemently anti-gun, and her view that the Constitution’s commerce clause has somehow limited government more than it is supposed to is scary. There is no place for Kagan on the Supreme Court. – Dick Young
Obama Years Ago Helped Fund Carbon Program He Is Now Pushing Through Congress – Ed Barnes, FOXNews
You may want to read the above FOXNews article from a year ago before tuning in to President Obama’s address from the Oval Office tonight. According to the article, “In 2000 and 2001, while Barack Obama served as a board member for a Chicago-based charitable foundation, he helped to fund a pioneering carbon trading exchange that is likely to fill a critical role in the controversial cap-and-trade carbon reduction scheme that President Obama is now trying to push rapidly through Congress.” – E.J. Smith
Congress Wants To Bail Out Union Pensions – Connie Hair, Human Events
Unions have set up pension benefit plans based on the idea that union membership would continue to grow and that there would be more members working than those in retirement. This plan has obvious flaws. Unions have bankrupted many of the companies they work for, and those companies have stopped paying into the multi-employer plans setup by the unions. Now Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) wants you to pick up the slack where the unions have failed. As though it weren’t bad enough that you are paying to bail out the auto industry, the insurance industry, the financial industry, public sector unions, munucipalities, and states, now you are being asked to support private sector unions with your tax dollars. – Timothy Jones
Bailing Out Politicians Now? – Patrick J. Buchanan, Human Events
President Obama wants another $50 billion to bail out states and local governments so they won’t have to make the hard choices regarding spending. In other words, he wants to kick the can down the road to the next administration. Borrow money from China, give to state governments to spend and then figure out how to pay it back some other time. This is not sustainable. – Dick Young
How the New Wealth Taxes Will Hit You – Laura Saunders, The Wall Street Journal
Obamacare raised taxes on many Americans. Take a look here to see if you’re one of them, and just how big the hit will be. – Dick Young
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