In his best seller Taking a Stand, Rand Paul explains how he would deal with the Middle East specifically and, in general, our porous border.
As complicated as the Middle East is, our role should not be that hard to figure out. All we have to do is to stay true to who we are: a country with compassion, resolve, and the strength to put fear in the hearts of those who hate us.
Eliminate all student visas from countries with fighters in ISIS until we can thoroughly check the backgrounds of those who wish to enter.
A program that George W. Bush started and Obama ended, The National Entry Recognition System (NSEERS), provided extra scrutiny of people traveling to the United States from countries that are hosts to radical Islamic movements. I would reinstitute that program.
For the foreseeable future that would mean fewer student visas until we can get a handle on who is visiting, where they are going, and when they leave. It would also mean much more scrutiny of international travelers and much less hassling of domestic travelers.
Our border is porous, and rather than acting to secure and protect it, the administration uses unconstitutional executive action legalizing millions of illegal immigrants. I will oppose and will continue to oppose this unlawful usurpation of power.
The administration’s policy of student visas requires a full-scale reexamination. Recently it was estimated that as many as six thousand students are unaccounted for. Let’s not forget that the 9/11 hijackers were here on lapsed Saudi student visas. How can we allow this loophole to remain open? This is outrageous, and I have fought the administration on it almost as long as I’ve been in the Senate. I proposed legislation that would pressure the Department of Homeland Security to finally follow through on the broken promise of a secure border and an effective visa tracking system.
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