Almost 20 years ago I interviewed Charlie as part of a three-piece chef series I conducted featuring Charlie, Emeril Lagasse, and Norman Van Aken. While visiting our daughter in Chicago years later, Becky, Debbie and I got a first hand tour of the restaurant kitchen from Charlie’s lovely mother. Debbie and I are much saddened by the passing of one of the true greats on the American culinary scene. Not surprising, at the extraordinary Inn at Little Washington there is a room named after the iconic Charlie Trotter. I hope you will enjoy this outstanding video on the memorable Charlie Trotter. Our restaurant tab at Mr. Trotter’s all these years later was certainly memorable!
The Orlando Sentinel reports both van Aken’s and Lagasse’s comments on Charlie’s passing:
“He was our friend. He was our chosen brother. He always will be,” said Van Aken. “I wanted to grow older with him in this life. Another lesson to hold each other tight.
Lagasse echoed the sentiment: “My brother, Charlie and I go way back. Charlie, myself and Norman [Van Aken] had a triangle. We traveled the world together, raised our families together. Charlie was a visionary, an unbelievable chef who brought American cuisine to new heights. We have lost a tremendous human being and an incredible chef and restaurateur. It’s a very sad day and my heart goes out to Charlie’s family.”
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