Scrap ObamaCare Today – Human Events
Marco Rubio is running against Charlie Crist for a Florida Senate seat. I am a supporter of Mr. Rubio. As a long time Key West Florida resident, I can say with certainty that Mr. Rubio is the conservative choice. Mr. Rubio is clear in saying that the health-care bill must be scrapped and started over. – Dick Young
Swing Districts Polling “No” for Health Care Reform – Human Events
A big percentage of Americans want Congress (which has a historically low approval rating) to go back to the drawing board on health care. Rasmussen now reports that 53% of Americans are outright opposed to the Obama/Pelosi/Reid health-care monstrosity. – Dick Young
Tea Partiers Meet in DC for One Last “People’s Surge” Against Healthcare Reform – Human Events
FreedomWorks, headed by patriot #1, Dick Armey, is delivering Americans’ mandate to the Obama/Pelosi/Reid leadership: “No Obamacare.” It is unconstitutional and fiscally ruinous for America. Each and every Blue Dog can, today, expect a powerful visit from the Armey Army. – Dick Young
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