David Kahane has done a wonderful job of summing up why Jon Huntsman would be the best candidate to emerge from the GOP primary—for the Democrats. Mr. Kahane writes, “This guy is the complete package: credentialed, an Eagle Scout, an Ivy Leaguer, a former governor, and a former ambassador. In every wise save for the trifling matter of his party affiliation, he’s one of us, which is why we feel so comfortable handing him your nomination.”
Elsewhere in the media, liberal bomb thrower Matt Taibbi takes a volley of shots at Michele Bachmann in his latest fire-breathing Rolling Stone “investigative” piece. According to Taibbi, “Bachmann is a religious zealot whose brain is a raging electrical storm of divine visions and paranoid delusions.” In typical Taibbi fashion, Matt strikes hard. I generally like Matt Taibbi’s work, even though from time to time he gores an ox of mine. No doubt Mr. Taibbi will not win many friends in the Bachmann corral with his current live fire effort. I am not in a position to debate Matt’s religious zealot comments in regards to Michelle. My inclination is that where there is smoke there is fire. Personally, I do not get into the religious angle no matter who is involved. Social issues are not on my agenda and should be the province of the states, not the federal government. In 2012, Michelle Bachmann may well be the firebrand. The Tea Party has a chance to get America back on the federal republic course intended by the founders. This is a not a Mitt Romney, Huntsman or Pawlenty mission. All are warmed-over, business-as-usual military/industrial complex bores. Not one has a clue as to the magnitude of the directional change required for America. Like em’ or not, Michelle Bachmann and, more to the point, Ron Paul do. Ted Cruz down in Texas most certainly does, and I hope that Rick Perry does. A true rally-round-the-flag, hardball hitter is needed and fast. Michelle Bachmann may be a possibility, notwithstanding Mr. Taibbi’s unpleasantness.
At Human Events, the former Islamic terrorist turned Christian peace advocate, Walid Shoebat, writes a disturbing profile of Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin. He questions Abedin’s close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, writing, “She is closely associated with her Muslim Brotherhood family and even joined Clinton at an event with her mother, Saleha Abedin, at Dar El-Hekma College in Saudi Arabia. Also present was a close associate of Saleha Abedin—Suheir Qureshi. Qureshi’s name later appeared in several prominent Arab newspapers when it was revealed that she belonged to a list of 63 members of the secret arm of the Muslim Brotherhood called The Sisterhood. The full list was later revealed—Huma Abedin’s mother is on it. Huma’s brother—Hassan Abedin—also collaborates with Omar Naseef and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, two of the most influential terror supporters in the world.”
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