All 50 states should introduce the hard-line voter ID law introduced in Texas and confirmed by the Supreme Court. Not surprising, uber-liberal justices Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan took umbrage, which is a perfect example of why it is mandatory that Barack Obama not be allowed another Supreme Court nomination. The man was responsible for both the Sotomayer and Kagan nominations.
Fortunately, an anti-Obama landslide is now shaping up for the November elections. Candidates nationwide are focused laser like on the Direction of the Country polling and running as far possible from Obama’s coattails. A shocking recent NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll revealed that a staggering 65% of those polled believe that America is on the wrong track. That’s all? Where to start—Iraq, Syria, ISIS, Obamacare, the economy, Ebola? On what platform could any Obama sympathizer even begin to run?
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