The book The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope is an absolute must-read. In just 49 quick pages, Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, provides a concise roadmap to liberty and freedom.
Sheriff Mack was the first sheriff in the nation to file a lawsuit to stop the Brady Bill. On June 27, 1997, the Supreme Court ruled that the Brady Bill was in fact unconstitutional and that the federal government could not commandeer state or county officers to carry out the federal government’s bidding. Prior to Sheriff Mack’s courageous stand, the Clinton/Brady Bill forced all sheriffs to be pawns for the federal government and do its bidding by promoting gun control within their jurisdictions. No funds were allocated for this work, and the Brady Bill authorized arrest for noncompliance.
As Sheriff Mack writes, the Supreme Court ruling says at least three times that the states are “not subject to federal direction,” emphasizing that “The federal government may not compel the states to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program.” Sheriff Mack is right in suggesting that the most vital of all assets to be protected is liberty. This is the first in a series of mini essays on The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope. Visit
Rep. Ron Paul Introduces Legislation to Repeal Individual Mandate – Julie Borowski,
Congressman Ron Paul has introduced a bill to repeal the individual mandate from Obamacare. He sees it, rightly, as the most appalling part of Obamacare and no doubt in violation of the Constitution. – Dick Young
No Laughing Matter for Medicare and TRICARE Patients – Joe Wilson, Office of Congressman Joe Wilson
The political game-playing of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and company has endangered vast numbers of doctor-patient relationships. As a result of Obamacare, Americans on Medicare and TRICARE will be facing down doctors who simply can’t afford to treat them, or even see them. This is only one of the ways that Obamacare will hurt people’s health care, not help it. – Dick Young
America’s Other Independence Day – T.H. Breen, The Wall Street Journal
Today is the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, and the death of patriot Isaac Davis, as well as others. As T.H. Green points out, this was the turning point for American patriots who, after these battles, knew that there was no reconciliation to be had with Great Britain and that revolution was the only course. Green concludes that Americans’ opinion was well ahead of that of their leaders, who took until July 4, 1776, to formalize what everyone already knew. Americans today are well ahead of their leaders too. They are angry and afraid of Washington’s cronyism, and want no more big government, back-room deals, and special-interest giveaways. – Dick Young
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