Your Survival Guy just finished reading The Lions of Winter by Ty Gagne, the true story of two young climbers who lost their way in extreme weather on Mt. Washington in January of 1982. The 4-days that followed changed the future of New Hampshire search and rescue.
Having personally skied Mt. Washington’s Tuckerman’s Ravine a handful of times, I can tell you how quickly things can change at the home of the “worst weather in the world.” And I was there in the spring, not early winter like these two.
Reflecting on this harrowing rescue attempt and thinking about how fast things change in my line of work, this is a lesson in margin of safety, preparedness, and how bad stuff happens. For as long as humans are humans, risks will be taken, and there will be consequences.
Action Line: More access to the great outdoors and investing is changing every day. What doesn’t change is human nature. There will always be speculators. There will always be risk takers who create danger, even for those who aren’t lost in the wilderness. Let’s talk about your investment preparedness. Email me at and sign up for my free weekly email here.
Originally posted Your Survival Guy.
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