Editor of The American Conservative, Jim Antle, reviews Senator Rand Paul’s new book, The Case Against Socialism, writing that it points out “when socialism is taken to its most radical conclusions, it degenerates into starvation and death camps.”
Rand Paul, the Republican senator from Kentucky, has written a new book called The Case Against Socialism.
Much of Paul’s book is devoted to pointing out that when socialism is taken to its most radical conclusions, it degenerates into starvation and death camps, not playing cute AOC videos on your iPhone or wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt on your college campus.
Critics will undoubtedly quibble that the Democrats are advocating a New Deal liberalism on steroids that falls well short of communism or National Socialism. But the ideological underpinnings of capitalism are coming under new questioning, similar pushback against socialism is only—to use a word much beloved by socialists—fair.
“My hope is that the next generation will understand that free markets and free people have produced better health, longer life expectancy, and reduced poverty and suffering around the world,” Paul concludes.
“My hope is that they will choose liberty.” A real social base and electoral coalition (as Paul, the winner of two elections and the son of a man elected to Congress three times as a non-incumbent, surely knows) as well as economics instruction and appeals to abstract principle. But The Case Against Socialism is a start.
Read more here.
Sen. Rand Paul on the dangers of socialism in America
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