UPDATE 11.9.23: Years after his iconic but ultimately failed runs for president, the analysis of Dr. Ron Paul in his career as a congressman, author, and activist looks more prescient than ever. Paul is again warning against U.S. entanglement overseas. Will America listen?
Originally posted March 28, 2019.
Ron Paul’s 2008 call to action, The Revolution: A Manifesto is a necessary read for any libertarian leaning conservative. Ron Paul’s paleo-libertarian views have influenced an entire generation of voters and pundits, including most visibly, Tucker Carlson. Carlson and others have adopted the view expressed here in Ron Paul’s manifesto as the way ahead. Read it with care. Here are some selections:
“No wonder frustrated Americans have begun referring to our two parties as the Republicrats. And no wonder the news networks would rather focus on $400 haircuts than matters of substance. There are no matters of substance.”
“Peaceful civil disobedience to unjust laws, which I support with every fiber of my being, can sometimes be necessary at any level of government. It falls upon the people, in the last resort, to stand against injustice no matter where it occurs.”
“government interventions create unintended consequences that lead to calls for further intervention, and so on into a destructive spiral of more and more government control.”
“the state cannot get a cent for any man without taking it from some other man, and this latter must be a man who has produced and saved it. This latter is the Forgotten Man.”
“An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government”
“I believe individuals have a right to life and liberty and that physical aggression should be used only defensively. We should respect each other as rational beings by trying to achieve our goals through reason and persuasion rather than threats and coercion. That, and not a desire for “economic efficiency,” is the primary moral reason for opposing government intrusions into our lives: government is force, not reason.”
Along with Victor Davis Hanson’s The Case for Trump, The Revolution: A Manifesto is a must own.
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