By create jobs 51 @ Shutterstock.comA piece on Natural Pharma International examines the benefits of proper circulation to preventing cancers from metastasizing. The piece focuses on the helpful attributes of enzymes in fighting cancer.
Dietary supplements containing the ten or more pancreatic enzymes are helpful, with the most important enzymes being trypsin, chymotrypsin and amylase. These enzymes dissolve the protein and sugar coating of the cancer cell making it vulnerable to the attack of white blood cells. This has been known since 1905 (Griffin, page 81). The coating on the cancer cell is made of mucus and fibrin. Mucus is a glycoprotein (sugar and protein). Fibrin is a protein floating in the blood that allows blood to clot. This (biofilm) camouflage of mucus and fibrin prevents the white blood cells of the immune system from recognizing the cancer cell. Too much protein in the diet and refined foods such as white sugar and white flour deplete pancreatic enzymes, helping to open the way for cancer.
Fibrin, Blood Clots and Cancer Metastases
In 1958 Professor R A Q O’Meara of Trinity College, Dublin, showed that dividing cancer cells are surrounded by fibrils which give off clotting factors just as platelets do, causing the deposition of fibrin. He suggested that this is essential for tumour growth. In this way a cancer colony becomes coated with fibrin that prevents cancer cell killing immunocytes from making contact with and killing it. – O’Meara RAQ. The coagulative properties of cancer. Irish J Med 1958; 394: 474-9.
By 1966, O’Meara had expanded his hypothesis and was teaching that a cancer cell traveling in the bloodstream could not form a distant metastasis without there being a small fibrin clot at the site of the metastasis.
It has been known since 1903 that cancer cells circulating in the bloodstream do not form metastases just anywhere. They come to rest in a blood clot. In order for a distant tumour to form, it needs a thrombus (clot). – J Path Bact 1915; 20: 85, Proc Am Assn Cancer Res 1956; 2: 157.
A Canadian study looking at heart patients taking drugs to prevent clots found an 87% reduction in cancer deaths and a 100% reduction in deaths from metastatic cancer. – Michaels L., Cancer incidence and mortality in patients having anticoagulant therapy, Lancet 1964; ii: 832-5.
Maintaining a healthy circulatory system helps prevent metastases by preventing blood clots. Also see The Terrible Two: Cancer and Circulation. Enzymes help prevent the formation of metastases by dissolving blood clots and also by dissolving the fibrin covering circulating cancer cells.
You should be able to obtain a good enzyme supplement at your local health food store or pharmacy. Pineapple and papaya are good sources of enzymes. “Pancreatic enzymes and vegetable enzymes are part of the supportive theory. You have the papaya melons as the source of the enzyme Papain and pineapple as a source of the enzyme Bromelain. The demasking effect of these enzymes against the pericellular layer of the malignant cell is something very concrete in the immunology of cancer. Now I prefer, rather than advising the use of bromelain or papaya tablets that the individual seeking these enzymes get them directly from the fresh ripe pineapple and papaya fruit. As much as half a pineapple a day should be ingested…You have nothing to lose by eating fresh pineapple and papaya melons.” – Dr. Krebs, Jr. Read what Dr. Mercola has to say about pineapple enzyme.
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