In, Bill Sardi examines what affects cancer’s growth in a patient, and explains why doctors are taking another look at a common supplement, vitamin C. He writes (abridged):
Experiments have repeatedly shown that humans subjected to mental or physical stress experience a rise in blood sugar levels. Modern medicine calls this diabetes, but in fact it could more accurately be called stress disease emanating from a lack of vitamin C.
It is categorically impossible for most mammals to develop diabetes/high blood sugar because blood glucose is converted to vitamin C.
But this stress/sugar relationship creates a more serious problem than elevated blood sugar. Physical or mental stress creates a breeding ground for the most dreaded of diseases – – cancer.
The Warburg Effect
It was Otto Warburg in the 1930s who observed that tumors take up enormous amounts of glucose. This became known as the Warburg Effect.
When doctors seek to confirm whether a mass revealed in a x-ray is cancerous or not they order a CAT-scan with injected radioactive sugar. The sugar goes right to the tumor and lights up the scan.
Because cancer cells voraciously utilize sugar for their growth, this scan accurately displays the size and shape of the tumor mass and sequential scans reveal growth or regression.
Vitamin C therapy for cancer is undergoing a renaissance. The failure of modern medicine to discover a cure for cancer has caused researchers to revisit the vitamin C paradigm of cancer.
Cancer patients exhibit very low amounts of ascorbate (vitamin C).
Vitamin C is an extracellular antioxidant, that is, it helps maintain the gooey connective tissue that surround and supports cells. When connective tissue is disturbed, wound healing growth factors are generated. It is believed cancer begins in connective tissue. The integrity of connective tissue must be maintained to prevent the spread (metastasis) of cancer much like mortar keeps bricks in place.
Attempting to cure cancer using conventional methods (slash, burn, poison) or any other methodologies is futile without addressing the genetic flaw that allows glucose sugar to continually feed any existing tumors. Cancer treatment today is like calling the fire department and dousing the flames with water at one end of the inferno while pouring gasoline on the other end.
A disease-care system that is focused on any diagnosis with an insurance billing code attached to it becomes a selfish industry solely governed by profits over cures. Prevention is not profitable. Treatment without a cure is the unstated paradigm.
By Bill Sardi
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