Flee the big box, simulated food, super stores. I will not step in these feedlot-oriented, packaged foods behemoths and you need not patronize the simulated food boxes either. Why refer to the commercial chains as simulated food purveyors?
It is a reflection of the ingredients labeled on packaged food items and the industrial/feedlot meat, milk and egg offerings. Most of the natural food value has been bled out, replaced by hormone- and antibiotic-loaded offerings or loaded with unhealthy high-fructose corn syrup and cancer-inducing polyunsaturated fats like corn, soy and sunflower oils. Here, of course, I am not referring to beneficial olive oil or high heat oils offered from, by example, Spectrum.
In the past, I have written that the two most important words in food are “shop local.” Debbie and I achieve this goal by patronizing our local farmers markets and shopping at our local natural foods and specialized locally owned markets. Doing so allows us to stick with grass fed meat, wild fish, real free-range chicken and eggs, and local organic fruits and vegetables. As a supplement to our regular “shop local” diet, we buy grass fed meat from U.S. Wellness in the Midwest and organic herbs and cultured whole-food vitamins & minerals from New Chapter. You can find New Chapter’s great whole food products at your local natural foods market or, for your convenience, at amazon.com. New Chapter is a great health find and allows you to maintain a proper health regimen, when on the road, as we are so often. You are not likely to miss New Chapter’s distinctive purple boxes.
Warm Regards,
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