tells readers:
Johnson, 63, was twice elected governor of New Mexico as a Republican, serving from 1995 to 2003. He boasts that he cut taxes 14 times, balanced the state’s budget and left office with a billion-dollar surplus. The Libertarian Cato Institute gave him a fiscal policy grade of “B” in 2002.
Libertarians believe in liberty, enterprise and personal responsibility. “Each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. Government’s only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud,” the party’s website says .
Johnson calls the Democrats and Republicans “slightly different flavors of the status quo.”
Johnson would eliminate loopholes and deductions for special interests; get rid of “double taxation” on small businesses; and, eventually, replace taxes on income with a tax on consumption. The Libertarian Party platform calls for the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service
The role of the military and foreign policy in a Johnson administration would be to “protect Americans from harm and allow us to exercise our freedoms.” Johnson would stop using the military for “nation building” and “policing the world,” which he says has created new enemies and kept the country in a state of “perpetual war.”
Johnson would abolish the federal Department of Education and eliminate the Common Core curriculum. He favors school choice and competition to foster innovation.
Johnson says he supports a free-market health care system that lowers cost through competition. Johnson opposes the Affordable Care Act.
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