Paul Steidler of Inside Sources writes how smart energy policies improve families’ lives. He writes (abridged):
An October report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers has a stunning and clear finding: the increased domestic production of natural gas and oil is saving a family of four $2,500 a year.
At a time of escalating health care costs, college tuitions and property taxes, and with many living paycheck to paycheck, lower fuel costs are keeping tens of millions of Americans above water.
New York and New England, are paying higher prices because of bans on hydraulic fracturing and other policies.
CEA determined, “New York’s failure to approve new pipelines causes consumers in New York and New England to pay an estimated $2 billion more in energy costs per year, or $233 for a family of four.”
There are three lessons that policymakers and consumers should take to heart from the CEA report.
–Use more natural gas.
–Increase Transparency.
–Prioritize Expenditures.
As America wrestles with its energy policy, it will be essential to keep the effect to families front and center, less they be unduly burdened with electricity costs and related taxes.
Paul Steidler is a Senior Fellow with the Lexington Institute, a public policy think tank based in Arlington, Virginia.
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