Good day to one and all anti-Kagan-nomination conservatives. It’s been a brutal year in the stock market for most and with my Pay Day indicator at an all time low, a Marxist influenced administration in Washington and dramatically higher interest rates ahead, I lack a certain amount of enthusiasm regarding the financial prospects of most Americans.
This fall we all have an opportunity to remove the folk in Washington who have been responsible for placing our federal republic at risk of a savage deflationary death spiral and a collapse of the US$. Does anyone who has given the plight of our country even a minute’s thought think that gold would be over $1200/oz if there was not something seriously wrong with the course our ship of state is sailing? The blackest storm cloud overhead by a wide margin is the potential Supreme Court nomination of the completely unqualified constitutional manipulator and foe of the second amendment, Elena Kagan. May every American take an opportunity today to e-mail each member of the U.S. Senate and protest the confirmation of Elena Kagan. I cannot believe that a single member of the Senate believes that this person has earned or deserves a lifetime appointment to America’s highest court. Mr. Jefferson must be spinning in his box at warp speed. In my house, today is a day of prayer that the potential disaster of a Kagan confirmation does not come to pass.
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