Left: Sen. Kamala Harris. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Senate Historical Office. Right: Vice President Mike Pence visits troops at Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin Thursday May 16, 2019 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)
At The Spectator, Amber Athey recounts Sen. Kamala Harris’ “petulance” in refusing to answer questions about packing the Supreme Court. Athey writes (abridged):
Vice President Mike Pence emerged from the 2020 vice presidential debate Wednesday night with a sound victory over challenger Sen. Kamala Harris.
Pence coasted on Harris’s and Biden’s disagreements over moderate vs progressive policy and Harris’s own hypocritical record on criminal justice reform, the Green New Deal, fracking, and more.
Harris responded to these points by being overly defensive. Were she debating Trump, her cries of ‘excuse me, I’m speaking’ and constant eye rolls and smirks might have been excused as sassy and bold. Instead, they merely underscored the fact that Pence carried himself with respect and grace the entire evening.
Harris’s petulance was especially obvious in her refusal to answer Pence when he repeatedly pressed her on whether or not she and Joe Biden would pack the Supreme Court.
Amber Athey
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