Joe Biden isn’t left enough for the progressives, moderate enough for the moderates, or successful enough for Americans. The Obama/Biden economic record left many Americans yearning for better times. Despite eight years to clean up the Great Recession, the big government brand of economics pressed by their administration kept a stranglehold on growth and confidence.
Now Biden is attempting to run on that record against a president who has unleashed America’s businesses and job creators. The Wall Street Journal’s Ken Thomas notes that Biden’s Obama-era record is going to be hard for him to run on. He writes:
Traveling through Iowa this week for the first time since launching his 2020 campaign, the former vice president has dug into President Trump’s stewardship of the nation at every stop and pointed to his partnership with President Obama. Yet he continues to find himself on the receiving end of critiques from the left of his voting record (too moderate) and fundraising prowess (too dependent on big donors).
Read more here.