The Democratic Party is promising to return America back to “normal.” To do that, Democrats seem to have come up with a truly novel to-do list – Defund the Police.
As the country struggles through a pandemic of personal and economic uncertainty, “the Democratic agenda has stretched to include their intention to overturn a pervasive, irredeemably racist American social structure,” warns Daniel Henninger in the WSJ.
Pelosi’s Wizard of Oz Spending
Add in the Pelosi multi-trillion virus-spending blowout. Surely some sense is growing among suburban swing voters that this Wizard-of-Oz spending can’t go on.
Biden Nonsense
The case against Mr. Trump is that people can’t take more disruption. The Democratic agenda, however, has grown so disruptive that the idea of a Biden return to normalcy is nonsense, continues Mr. Henninger.
Normalcy? Joe Biden is running in an election year when liberals are fleeing New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and other cities overwhelmed with protests, homelessness and spreading disorder.
Democrats Pass Over Looting and Rioting
The Floyd-related events have put unexpectedly complex political forces in motion for the Democrats. It was remarkable that no one at the Democratic convention mentioned the post-Floyd protests, looting or shootings, often in black neighborhoods.
How hard would it have been for Chicago-born Michelle Obama to say something useful? Instead, Team Biden decided it was in their interest to pretend a major political event doesn’t exist.
What if Americans of all colors, rich and poor, call 911, and the call goes to voicemail?