With the tidal wave power of the tea parties, the Republican candidate for president in 2012 is going to have to come right out front with the power of Reagan. The following four quotes from President Reagan reasonably sum up what Reagan was all about, what the Tea Party movement is all about, and where Americans should focus looking ahead to the 2012 election season.
(1) “Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.”
(2) “Man is not free unless government is limited.”
(3) “We are learning that the way to prosperity is not more bureaucracy and redistribution of wealth, but less government and more freedom for the entrepreneur and for the creativity of the individual.”
(4) “Our founding fathers devised a system of government unique in all the world—a federation of sovereign states, with as much law and decision-making authority as possible kept at the local level.”
With these four cornerstone Reagan quotations in mind, consider this amazing and historical Reagan video and what it offers conservative presidential candidates for 2012.
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