As only she can, Ann Coulter cuts right to the heart of why Democrats want to open the southern border to “millions of poverty-stricken Latin Americans.” She writes:
The left’s enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn’t only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It’s that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist schemes.
The key point is this:
Everywhere in the world, the working class loves socialism — except the U.S.A.
To the dismay of American liberals, their movement has always been bereft of the very proletariat that they claim to champion. Instead of truck drivers and longshoremen, Democratic meetings are full of divorcees, transgenders, vegans and college professors.
Recall that when student radicals tried to organize blue-collar workers in the ’60s, they ended up getting their heads smashed by building trades guys for protesting the war.
Today, America’s working class wears a MAGA hat.
That’s why the Democrats are dying to fling open our southern border.
As Lenin might have said, you can’t make an omelet without bringing in millions of poverty-stricken Latin Americans.
Read more here.
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