Michael Scheuer, the former head of the CIA’s bin Laden unit and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, hits hard on the idea that America’s Washington elite, including even perhaps President Trump, have missed one crucial detail: Americans no longer have any empathy for the illegal aliens flooding their country. In Scheuer’s words, as illegals “kill, rape, mow-down while driving drunk, steal from, and rob thousands of genuine Americans,” they have lost the ability to empathize. He writes (abridged):
President Trump, the elite of his party, the Democrats and their beloved criminals, slaves, and automatons, and most of the media seem to neither fully recognize nor perhaps even sense that everyday, working Americans are fresh out of empathy for illegal aliens.
It apparently surprises the elite that empathy grows thin as the illegals kill, rape, mow-down while driving drunk, steal from, and rob thousands of genuine Americans. Working Americans have been paying for the well-being and defense of foreigners since the Marshall Plan; spending their kids’ lives since 1950 on losing wars that only the governing elite finds worthwhile; and watching their nation being overrun by uneducated, unskilled, non-English-speaking, and illegal immigrants who live on the dole; add massively to the cost of the school and health systems the citizenry funds, and illegally vote in elections to defeat the commonsense politicians, policies, and frugality Americans support.
These illegals also come from countries without experience with republican government, only with corrupt authoritarian regimes and societies, so they naturally vote for Democrats ready to keep them on the dole, and give them legal privilege over the native-born and legal immigrant/citizen, in return for their vote.
Empathy can be a worthy emotion, but it is not remotely worthy when it means Americans must be happy to commit and fund national, linguistic, and historical suicide by turning their country over to a great host of foreign scavengers who contribute little or nothing to the economy and work actively to destroy society’s cohesion.
Damn them all, Mr. President, including the so-called Dreamers. Get all of them them out of the United States, Mr. Trump, and build the wall to seal them and their like out of this republic forever.
Read more here.
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