The key to pulling the rug out from under Obamacare is to convince state governors not to set up state health exchanges. Thanks to the Cato Institute and Michael F. Cannon, director of health policy studies, much progress has been made. No one is a bigger loser under Obamacare than are America’s small business owners (creators of most of Americas new jobs). State governors can help small business by refusing to create state health exchanges. You can play a big part in helping in the battle by forwarding to your governor the Cato Institute’s e-briefing with Michael Cannon that I have posted today.
It is not plausible that the governor of any state would even consider establishing a state health exchange after listening to what Mr. Cannon has to say. A tidal wave of e-mails, phone calls and personal visits to state governors will go a long way in delivering the message. Michael Cannon’s Cato e-briefing provides you with all the talking points you need to recruit your circle of friends, relatives and associates to the task of convincing state governors to refuse to introduce state health exchanges.
Dick Young
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