A recent letter from Senator Rand Paul announces that Congressman Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill has sailed through the House of Representatives and now must be taken up by the Senate in order to head to the President’s desk.
I’m excited to report that Audit the Fed (H.R. 459) passed the House in a 327-98 vote landslide yesterday!
The demand for accountability and transparency was so massive that nearly half the Democrats in congress voted to lift the curtain on Ben Bernanke’s secret manipulations of our economy.
This tremendous victory for sound money, limited government, and free markets was possible because you turned up the heat on congress with phone calls and emails.
But now the fight shifts to the Senate where I have sponsored a companion Audit the Fed bill (S. 202) and I expect to have to fight tooth and nail to get a vote.
You see, Harry Reid is determined to protect vulnerable Democrats who desire to continue the bailouts and endless spending by denying a vote.
Can you imagine, at the height of the most important election of our lifetime, any senator in a competitive race trying to explain to their constituents why they looked the other way as the Fed bailed out the politically well-connected and devalued our currency with trillions of dollars in debt?
Either vulnerable Democrats vote to pierce the veil of secrecy surrounding the Fed or RANDPAC will make sure their constituents realize their senator voted to keep the Fed’s printing presses running unchecked.
But this will only be possible if we can generate a tidal wave of grassroots support.
Contact your senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to tell them you want a vote on Audit the Fed, and tell them you expect them to vote to pass the bill to protect America’s middle class from inflationary theft.