Are you aware of the Pacific Legal Foundation’s challenge to the individual mandate? Thanks to the Cato Institute’s director of health-policy studies Michael F. Cannon I am on this. The Cato Institute is far and away America’s finest policy research center on all matters relating to upholding the original meaning of the Founders in the Constitution.
Mr. Cannon writes on that the PLF challenge could take down the entire statute. Michael reports that Kaiser Health News says Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt’s lawsuit is “by far the broadest and most damaging of the legal challenges” related to Obamacare.” If Oklahoma prevails, “the whole structure of the health care reform law falls apart.”
Among the many compelling arguments in Michael’s essay is his commentary on “sticker shock.” Here Mr. Cannon notes Obamacare’s 30 to 40 percent cost increase in the individual market. Read Michael Cannon’s essay to get the complete update on the monster that is Obamacare.
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