States have until November 16 to decide if they will create an Obamacare health exchange. The correct answer, of course, is no. Read on for all the Obamacare details from America’s expert.
“President Obama has won reelection, and his administration has asked state officials to decide by Friday, November 16, whether their state will create one of Obamacare’s health-insurance “exchanges.” States also have to decide whether to implement the law’s massive expansion of Medicaid. The correct answer to both questions remains a resounding no.
State-created exchanges mean higher taxes, fewer jobs, and less protection of religious freedom. States are better off defaulting to a federal exchange. The Medicaid expansion is likewise too costly and risky a proposition. Republican Governors Association chairman Bob McDonnell (R.,Va.) agrees, and has announced that Virginia will implement neither provision.”-Michael F. Cannon
Read the full article here: Obamacare is Still Vulnerable, Michael F. Cannon, National Review
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