“A new Republican Party will emerge over the next four years.”–Rand Paul
A majority of Americans have had it up to the gizzard with both the Marxists and the neocons. Unfortunately these two groups have controlled the political stage over the last four presidential cycles. The words conservative and liberal have morphed into a mishmash of conflicting viewpoints. Both the Democrat and Republican parties have been co-opted by strident groups with a narrow self-interest. The American public is largely dazed and confused not fully understanding the shell game that has been perpetrated. It is finally sinking in that annual trillion dollar deficits forcing a massive buildup in debt is a losing hand. The unconstitutional federal government spending to fight wars of no national security importance continues. The fraud and lies of Obamacare are resulting in state-by-state rebellion. In the end, Obamacare, dragged down by it’s own monstrous weight on the economy, must disintegrate and disappear.
Emerging from the wreckage comes the specter of two Americas. On the one hand, the tax cutting, right-to-work red states. On the other, the Obama model tax boosters favoring government investment and union power (Read: Laffer and Moore: The Red-State Path to Prosperity). The old Confederacy is on the ascendance as Americans migrate south in waves. (Read: How the South will Rise to Power Again). Americans are going to look at the fiscally conservative states to relocate to in retirement as well as for business. And the “new wave” will want representation in Washington by a new group of hardliners against the power of central government. Rather a states’ rights approach will be wanted, much in line with the explicitly stated vision of the Founders, in the Constitution.
Senator Rand Paul (Read: The Rebel) has captured the attention of a rapidly growing base of Americans of all stripes. The unifying theme is small government and disengagement from foreign entanglements. And the charge is being led not in Washington, but as the Founders would have wished, at the state level. Governors like Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal are making mockery of the Marxist-style, union-centric government in Washington. Battles are being won daily. And for the first time in decades, a meaningful change in America may be able to win the war. We will get a good first look at the midterms in 2014.
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