After announcing that Florida has become the nation’s 26th state to offer residents a permitless carry option for firearms, a reader emailed me to mention that Nebraska could soon become the 27th. Mike Peterson reports for KMA Land:
Nebraska State Senator Julie Slama is hailing what she calls “commonsense, Second Amendment” legislation on firearms.
Late last week, the Nebraska Legislature placed LB 77 up for final debate. Introduced by State Senator Tom Brewer, the bill would allow the carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties. Speaking on KMA’s “Morning Line” program Monday morning, Slama says she’s pleased the bill finally has enough support in the Unicameral after several years of delay.
“We came in with around 32 baseline conservative votes for issues that we’re facing in this legislature,” said Slama, “and that’s the highest we’ve ever seen in terms of a cohesive group of people who understand the districts that elected them to serve.”
Though the law loosens or eliminates local gun laws, the Sterling Republican says amendments also carry provisions for increased penalties for felons using guns to commit violent crimes.
“The different provisions for the amendment on LB-77 include increased penalties for an unauthorized person carrying a firearm,” she said. “This is somebody who doesn’t have that right to carry a weapon, someone who’s been convicted of violent felony in the past, someone with a protective order against them, a domestic violence protective order against them–those sort of things. The penalty there is increased. And also, crimes where you committing a crime with stolen firearms, where you use a firearm in the commission of crime–those penalties are also increased.”
Action Line: If you are in one of the states where concealed carry is now a protected right, get your gun, but also your training, now. Your Survival Guy trains at Sig Sauer Academy in Epping, NH, and I can’t recommend getting competent training enough. If, God forbid, you face a situation where you actually have to use your firearm in self defense, you won’t rise to the occasion. You’ll fall to the level of your training. Keep that level high. Click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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