UPDATE 11.6.23: Sheriff Richard Mack recently told an audience, “We can take back America county by county and state by state. If the state doesn’t want to do it, then we will do it county by county, one good sheriff at a time.” Watch his remarks below:
Update January 25, 2019: I wrote this post about your county sheriffs back on May 28, 2010, but it is much more important than ever. I am a member of the Florida Sheriffs Association. Florida is a Castle Doctrine state, and my strongest suggestion is that every American move to a CD state with Right to Work, join their state Sheriffs Association and the NRA, and practice the strongest form of states’ rights in support off your sheriff.
Originally posted May 28, 2010.
I have written to you before about Sheriff Mack and his fight against the encroaching federal government. Today I want to bring to your attention a great piece written by Sheriff Mack titled The States Can Stop Obama. In the essay, Sheriff Mack lays out the powerful protections against federal encroachment on state power contained within the Constitution. He says that the states are the creator of the federal government, and therefore control it. That power is reiterated within the 10th Amendment. Sheriff Mack fought for states’ rights in front of the Supreme Court in the case of Mack/Printz vs. United States. In that battle the Supreme Court reiterated that the “supremacy clause” (Article VI, Clause 2) of America’s Constitution only applies to what is in the Constitution itself, not any law the federal government dreams up. States are superior to the federal government in every way, but are bound by the same rules under the Constitution. Finally, Sheriff Mack says that citizens should rely on their own state governments to fight back against federal government overreach, and not plead with the same tyrants who wrote the overreaching laws.
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