Jeffrey Lord of The American Spectator writes, “no one has been more prescient about what a Biden presidency would mean for American than Donald Trump”. He continues (abridged):
The contrast could not have been greater.
There was former President Donald J. Trump in Alabama on Saturday night. He was crisp, to the point, and defiant.
Then there was President Joe Biden. The bumbling president has come under attack for his disasters in Afghanistan, at the southern border, and more. A combination of American media figures and politicians across the ideological divide are shocked by the disaster in Afghanistan. This is not to mention that Biden’s Afghanistan incompetence has infuriated American allies. The British Parliament went out of its way to hold Biden in contempt for his withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. What Biden did, the MP’s said, was “catastrophic” and “shameful.”
The contrast between Trump and Biden reminds the historically aware of the now-legendary tale of a scorned Winston Churchill in the 1930s, who warned the country and the world that Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin and his successor, Neville Chamberlain — leaders of Churchill’s own Conservative Party — were repeatedly ignoring the deadly serious threat building in Germany.
As events moved on, Churchill would pillory Baldwin for his refusal to re-arm Britain even as Hitler was building up the Nazi arsenal. Chamberlain, upon taking office, arrogantly informed his own brother, an earlier foreign minister, that he would serve as his own foreign minister. Why? Because in Joe Biden-style, Neville Chamberlain arrogantly believed he was such an expert on the subject that only he could lead. His brother Austen, himself having served earlier in the job, chided him, saying: “Neville, you must remember you don’t know anything about foreign affairs.” Which is precisely what so many Americans are now saying, too late and at much cost, of Biden.
Jeffrey Lord, a contributing editor to The American Spectator, is a former aide to Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. An author and former CNN commentator, he writes from Pennsylvania at His new book, Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and The New American Populism vs. The Old Order, is now out from Bombardier Books.
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