U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers a speech about violent extremism to World Economic Forum attendees in Davos, Switzerland, on January 23, 2015. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]
According to the climate czar, we’re in a climate crisis of catastrophic proportions demanding an urgent response. He blames the wars, such as the one in Syria, on this “crisis,” saying in an interview at ProPublica:
What’s the connection between climate change and human migration? You’ve been talking about this since you were secretary of state in 2015.
They’re integrally intertwined. I mean, this is not some pie-in-the sky future dilemma that we may face that people are talking about hypothetically, it’s already happening, and it has been happening for some period of time, and the linkage could not be more clear. We had 130 degrees in some communities in Pakistan last summer, also in the Middle East. We had 130 degrees in Death Valley in the United States. If places keep getting hotter like that, and fires keep devouring communities and so forth, places are going to become unlivable and people will migrate, period. And so people are going to move to places where they think they can live. They’ll fight over places that they want to move to. We will have millions, tens of millions of climate migrants.
In Syria, this was not the cause of the Arab uprising, and it was not the cause of the Civil War, but it contributed very significantly to the intensity of the war when a million plus people moved in from the desert where they no longer could raise their livestock, they no longer could live. They came into Damascus, and anyone will tell you that that contributed very significantly to the capacity for the unrest and insurgency that followed. I personally thought that the pressure of migration on Europe during the Syrian crisis was the great warning sign for everybody. That’s one country’s upset. The one group of people being relatively managed in their dislocation. But if it’s a massive movement of people, all of a sudden?
You can have wars that come from this migration as people fight for waterholes, as they fight for a homestead. You will have massive pushback by people in various countries that can amount to genocide. I think it is very clear that if we’re going to try to reestablish a means of managing the affairs of state and of the planet and dealing with global issues, we’re going to have to deal with this.
Action Line: What could possibly go wrong when this line of thinking prevails? It’s time to pay attention to what’s happening out there, especially with the Great Reset.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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