The Federal government simply has too much power, as the Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell tells readers.
I’m pleased that President Trump announced a hiring freeze yesterday.
It only addresses part of the problem
Most bureaucrats are at the state and local level, often carrying out mandates, regulations, and spending of the federal government.
Moreover, federal employment numbers don’t include the gigantic “shadow bureaucracy” of government contractors.
And exactly how many people are technically private employees but actually get their pay from federal taxpayers? Well, because the federal government is so big and bloated, we don’t have an exact number.
The real issue is that the federal government has accumulated far too much power and is involved in many areas that either belong in the private sector (Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, Department of Housing and Urban Development, etc) or should be handled by state and local governments (Department of Transportation, Department of Education, etc).
In other words, as I explain at the end of this video, the correct pay for many federal bureaucrats is zero, for the simple reason that their jobs shouldn’t exist.
This is why I explained a few days ago that the real goal for the Trump Administration should be program terminations. The new hiring freeze is good, to be sure, but it’s largely a symbolic gesture.
Read more here.
President Trump signs 3 executive orders, withdraws US from TPP
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