At The American Spectator, Dov Fischer outlines what President Donald Trump has been up to since the election. Rather than rest on his heels, the President has been realigning his cabinet, and getting tough with the media. Fischer writes (abridged):
While others debated the election results, President Trump got to work. Jeff Sessions — you’re fired. Jim Acosta — you’re outta here.
And then Thursday — executive order: no more amnesty applications at the border. From now on, you want amnesty, you apply properly at a legally established port of entry. Stop the madness.
This is the difference of a hotel-and-casino builder with a TV show entering a new career at the White House in 2016, and a seasoned President of the United States now ensconced with his team in 2018. Men at Work.
He has gone right to work.
Jeff Sessions needs to run for the U.S. Senate seat that Doug Jones temporarily is keeping warm in Alabama. Sessions was great there, and he will be great there again. He was not a good fit for Attorney General in this time and place, although he remained ideologically true.
With a vicious Democrat Resistance and an equally vicious Left Media, this was a time for a tough street grappler, not a dignified Southern gentleman. A Chris Christie (if the Trump in-laws can accept that) or a Joe diGenova. A guy who not only punches back but who keeps punching even after the bell rings, and keeps ringing, even after the referee tries pulling the guy off.
Donald Trump now knows the ropes and the rules of the Swamp. As soon as Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi start playing dirty — and at least some of them will — the President now will have the team and the White House experience to hit back twice as hard.
A Senate investigation of the Clinton Foundation.
A Senate investigation of Hillary, the bathroom server, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner and their shared computer.
Subpoenas for every email, prosecution of every FBI and DOJ official who played fast and furious with the rules.
Subpoena Maxine Waters’s tax returns. Subpoena those of her husband.
Subpoena Obama’s college transcripts.
Subpoena Richard Blumenthal’s military records.
Subpoena the financial records of Dianne Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum.
Subpoena records in California regarding the intimate relationship between Kamala Harris and former California political boss Willie Brown, who elevated her as she moved from the bottom to the top.
Subpoena records and investigate how Loretta Lynch ended up on the same tarmac at the same time as Bill Clinton. N
Bring back Lois Lerner and investigate the Obama IRS. Investigate Fast and Furious.
Once the Democrats draw “first blood,” there is what to investigate and subpoena back.
This is the way it should be. Mr. Trump now knows the ropes. He has his team in place.
Read more here.
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