In a new post on his blog, Michael Scheuer, the former head of the CIA’s bin Laden unit, encourages President Trump to “keep striking the bastards hard and often, and yell if you need help.” Scheuer is referring to the Nunes memo, and thinks the President needs to take drastic measures to renew loyalty in the FBI and CIA. He writes (abridged):
Mr. President:
Well done on releasing the Nunes memo, Sir. But for our republic, it is, sadly, only the first step, and multiple tougher ones are to come. The mainstream media are already saying that the memo is fraud, or that it there is nothing illegal in it. That mad sack of shit McCain has said the memo is irrelevant and has urged on the Mueller investigation. Your own CIA Director and FBI Director tried to stop the memo’s publication. (NB: Those two must go, Mr. President, they are disloyal, disgraces to their organizations, and liars when it comes to their oaths of office.) You have a big, arduous, and troubling task ahead, Mr. President, but you must, as President Reagan — peace be upon him — once said stay the course, and be perfectly and enduringly bloody minded.
You are in a fix, Mr. President, but your not alone. Those who voted for you remain loyal, 2nd Amendment-equipped, and eager to help. And I must think that the last American institution with integrity, courage, unlimited talent in many fields, and loyalty to the U.S. Constitution — the U.S. Marine Corps — would be eager to help and could make itself felt.
Press on, Mr. President. Without your cunning and courage, your voters, and your alternative-media advocates of the truth, the republic would be a dead letter.
Read more here.
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