On the twelfth day of Prepping my true love gave to me, twelve water carts, eleven LED flashlights, ten fire starters, nine night vision scopes, eight solar radios, seven water filters, six Superfood bars, FIVE GOLD COINS, four AR-7s, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!
Reliance Hydroller: $43.99
Water is essential for human life, and gathering it and storing it will be the biggest job in any survival situation. Lugging pails of water home from the nearest stream or spring could be back breaking work, especially if you’re not already in great shape. The Reliance Hydroller makes gathering and carting water much easier. The Reliance Hydroller is a self-contained cart system that carries 8 gallons of water (or other liquids). It comes with a wide-mouth cap for easy filling, and a hideaway spout for easy pouring. An air vent system keeps the water running smoothly. An integrated cart handle and rugged wheel system allow for easy hauling. And a built-in handle makes for easy carrying.
Water Purification Tablets Bottle of 50 Tablets: $6.77